Supplier Rebel Prevent achieves partial success

The district court of Leipzig has made a decision in the dispute between the Prevent subsidiary ES Guss and VW – and thus far behind the request of the supplier.

Werksgelände des Teilezulieferers ES Automobilguss in Schönheide

Factory premises of the automotive supplier ES Automobilguss in Schönheide

Friday, 11.05.2018
5:32 pm

In the legal dispute with VW, the automotive supplier ES Automobilguss Schönheide has achieved a partial success. The district court of Leipzig committed the car maker Wolfsburg in a preliminary injunction to accept 30 percent of the previous scope of the components manufactured by the Prevent subsidiary ES Guss.

This rule applies until April 26, 2019, at the latest until the decision in the district court Chemnitz pending main thing was a decision, said the district court Leipzig.

This left the chamber far behind the request of ES Guss, which had demanded an exclusive supply of gear parts to VW until 2022.

Background of the dispute are from VW in March terminated contracts from 2016. These were in the opinion of VW only by blackmail. Prevent had one at that time A sensational move with a delivery boycott at the car company brought the production lines to a standstill.

IT cast in Saxony employs 300 people and manufactures gearboxes for VW.

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