Didi-Chuxing-Investment Taxify: Daimler joins Uber rivals

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Didi-Chuxing-Investment Taxify Daimler joins Uber rivals

Taxify: Das Unternehmen wurde 2013 im estnischen Tallinn gegründet


Taxify: The company was founded in 2013 in Tallinn, Estonia

The carmaker Daimler participates in the car broker Taxify. The Uber competitor from Estonia announced on Wednesday that it had closed a financing round worth 175 million dollars (more than 151 million euros). How much of it comes from Daimler, remained open.

About its division Mobility Services has become Daimler Show stock market chart – as well as the other manufacturers – in recent months in various larger and smaller providers of mobility services involved and partly built new joint ventures.

Taxify brings together drivers and customers via a platform and takes a commission for it. The company was founded in 2013 in Tallinn and is particularly active in Europe and Africa, but not in Germany.

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According to its own data, Taxify has more than ten million customers worldwide and half a million drivers in 25 countries. One of the biggest investors is the Chinese driver service Didi Chuxing. The “DUB Entrepreneur Magazine” had previously reported on Daimler’s entry.

mg / dpa

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