Flue gas scandal: Transport Minister Scheuer threatens Daimler with fines of nearly four billion euros

Scouring and Zetsche

5000 Euro order money per vehicle?

(Photo: AP)

HamburgFür Daimler it comes in the diesel scandal possibly schlüppeldick: Should be true that the car company similar to competitors Volkswagen has cheated on exhaust emissions, threatens the Stuttgartern according to a magazine report, a fine of almost four billion euros.

Der Spiegel reported in advance on Friday Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer I met at the meeting with the CEO Dieter Zetsche on Monday voiced the suspicion that in 750,000 Mercedes vehicles inadmissible emission control system is installed. He could calculate up to 5000 euros per vehicle.

The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) had its first one last week official recall of nearly 5000 Mercedes Vito vans arranged because it has been found in an improper shutdown device. After Volkswagen would Daimler so that the second German carmaker who is pilloried because of exhaust manipulation.

Daimler-Diesel Recall: Zetsche at Ministry of Transport – Scheuer issued two-week period

The Wolfsburg had admitted only after massive pressure of the American environmental authorities to have manipulated diesel exhaust gas values ​​by a defeat device. This detects whether a car is on a test bench and regulates only then the nitrogen oxide emissions. On the road, the exhaust emissions are much higher. The reparation of the exhaust gas scandal cost the world’s largest carmaker so far more than 25 billion euros.

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At Daimler, the Flensburg approval authority is now investigating whether the software or variants discovered in the Vito are also installed in other Mercedes models. Zetsche should present details to the Federal Ministry of Transport within two weeks. The “mirror” reported that the investigations on diesel models of the much-sold C-class are well advanced, the evidence is overwhelming from the point of view of the traffic authorities.

According to the news magazine Daimler representatives are still within the two-week period until the next meeting Zetsches with barn to the KBA. It is about at least 80,000 cars, which also threaten a recall.

Diesel scandal: Ultimatum for Daimler – Minister Scheuer attacks the car industry

Daimler did not comment. It has agreed with Transport Minister Scheuer confidentiality. The Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt declined to comment. The Federal Ministry of Transport was initially no position to receive.

In Germany and the US investigate prosecutors and authorities for some time, whether even with the Swabians of fraud may be mentioned. High fines and compensation payments could be the consequence, as the group warned in 2017. When complaint Mercedes-Vito is an engine of Renault installed. In France run against Renault– Responsible also for some time investigation for diesel fraud.

Zetsche had not indicated at the meeting with Scheuer at the beginning of the week that the company could face major problems. When leaving the Ministry, he said only, it was a “good conversation” and see you in 14 days again.

Scheuer had accused the automotive industry only on Thursday in a newspaper interview in the diesel scandal lack of education. On the part of companies, information is often only piecemeal. “And as in the case of Daimler, it happens that manufacturers believe defeat devices that we object to are legal and thus trigger new discussions,” the CSU politician had said.

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