Auto parts supplier: Prevent takes over Halberg Guss

The Prevent Group has acquired another auto parts supplier, Halberg-Guss. Halberg produces crankcases, cylinder heads and crankshafts for cars and trucks.

The mainly by their dispute with VW Became known Prevent Group of the Bosnian entrepreneurial family Hastor has taken over another auto parts supplier. The Bundeskartellamt has the takeover Halberg Guss with its approximately 3,000 employees approved by Prevent belonging to Castanea Rubra Assets GmbH, said a spokesman for investors on Monday. About the purchase price had been agreed to silence. Previously, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” reported on it.

Halberg produces according to information in Saarbruecken, Leipzig and Cape Town in South Africa crankcase, cylinder heads and crankshafts for cars and truck, According to the company, customers include all major car manufacturers, including VW. According to the speaker, Halberg is now the third foundry in the Prevent Group. So far, the company had heard the Süddeutsche Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft.

In the summer of 2016, two Prevent subsidiaries no longer had gearboxes and seat covers in the dispute over money for a canceled project Volkswagen delivered and thus the production temporarily paralyzed. The failed takeover of power in Bavaria also caused a stir supplier Grammer, The carmaker Daimler has Prevent due to a delivery dispute compensation sued.

Car expert Stefan Bratzel from the Center of Automotive management looks behind the purchases the strategyto make oneself indispensable. “The Prevent Group has no choice but to develop blockade potential through acquisitions,” he said. The action at VW has smashed a lot of porcelain in the whole industry. Now every manufacturer will look again, if he could protect his production differently. Ultimately, Prevent must therefore be interested in relaxing the relationship again, said Bratzel. Otherwise, the course will not work in the long term. (AP)