Allegedly 5 “inadmissible shutdown functions” discovered: Fraud software also in new Daimler diesel fleet?

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Allegedly 5 “inadmissible shutdown functions” discovered fraud software also in new Daimler diesel fleet?

Bis zu 1 Million Fahrzeuge von Daimler stehen im Verdacht, mit einer Abgasbetrugssoftware ausgestattet zu sein


Up to 1 million vehicles from Daimler are suspected to be equipped with an exhaust gas fraud software

Daimler is under pressure in the diesel scandal according to a media report. The Kraftfahrtbundesamt (KBA) has now discovered five “inadmissible shutdown functions” in Daimler models, reports the “Bild am Sonntag”. The agency is suspected that these software functions would be used in a large part of the newer diesel fleet (Euro 6) and affected nearly one million vehicles.

At first, Daimler did not want to comment on the report. “No comment,” said a spokesman. However, Daimler cooperates fully and transparently with the KBA and the Federal Ministry of Transport. The spokesman also affirmed that Daimler contradicts, if the KBA thinks it is an inadmissible defeat device. On Thursday already had the “time” over the apparently hardened suspicion of fraud against Daimler reported,

The “BamS” wrote, Daimler uses like other manufacturers a urea solution for exhaust gas purification. However, according to KBA, the efficiency deteriorates for no apparent reason as soon as the engine has emitted 17.6 grams of nitrogen oxides after the start. In another software function, the engine control system changes to dirty exhaust mode after 1200 seconds – 2000 seconds on newer models.

Also read: Diesel forced abandonment – Hamburg and Munich begin

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche is scheduled to audition again this Monday in the Federal Ministry of Transport and provide clarity on the extent of the alleged diesel exhaust scandal at Mercedes. At the beginning of June, the “Spiegel” reported that Daimler was threatened with billions in the diesel scandal.

rei / Reuters

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