Continental & Vodafone for networking

The two companies Vodafone and Continental cooperate for the networked security in traffic via 5G, KI and Edge Computing.

The supplier Continental works with the telecommunications service provider Vodafone together. Together they want for more safety to worry while driving.


Continental Vodafone data processing

From the cooperation, both synergies are hoping for further development, especially in the area of 5G. Recently Vodafone has been 5G Lab in Dusseldorf opened and you work with example ford, HERE and also Bosch together. On the occasion of CeBIT, Continental is now included in the collection of cooperation partners.

The common goal is the Vision Zero to come a little closer. For this one resorts to the networking in the form of the Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (Cellular V2X) back. It also wants to take the weak road users, cyclists and people walking in the focus.

The protection of the weak road users should be done by means of the smartphone. The device is supposed to become a digital protective shield, which should warn against collisions. About 25 percent of road deaths are located in this area.

The internal vehicle sensors, especially the cameras, should assess the behavior of the weak road users. Does the person walk the street or not? The pictures are from one KI evaluated to which the data will be leaked. If a danger is foreseeable, above all the vehicles will be informed. By integrating the infrastructure, the scenery can be evaluated before the vehicle approaches the danger spot.

For the data transmission possibilities one develops together the Mobil Edge Computingwhich, in contrast to cloud technology, has a decentralized structure. This research is especially in Aldenhoven and cloud computing will be integrated.

With that you want the monstrous amounts of data can handle. 5G makes this data transmission possible, because modern vehicles generate around one gigabyte of data every minute. 5G can transmit up to 10 gigabits per second, providing alerts to millions of vehicles.

In addition, they are planning together on a warning system for traffic jams, also using the new mobile network 5G. At the same time the data analysis should detect a congestion even before you get stuck there. It will then proposed alternative routes.

press release

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