Dieter Zetsche at the Transport Minister to the rapport: Daimler boss – “It was a good conversation”

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Dieter Zetsche at the transport minister to report Daimler boss – “It was a good conversation”

Dieter Zetsche erschien am Montag beim Bundesverkehrsministerium. Minister Scheuer forderte von dem Manager möglichst rasch Aufklärung


Dieter Zetsche appeared on Monday at the Federal Ministry of Transport. Minister Scheuer demanded clarification from the manager as soon as possible

Is there any further models after the criticized Mercedes “Vito”, where Daimler could have used an inadmissible defeat device? Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer quickly wants to clarify that, he said Dieter Zetsche, who had come to Berlin for rapport. In 14 days, the two meet again – then probably with results.

Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer and Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche have agreed on a more detailed examination of affected by the recall diesel vehicles. This should determine the exact number of affected models, said Scheuer after a conversation with Zetsche on Monday in Berlin. At another meeting in 14 days, the results should be on the table.

Scheuer had ordered the Daimler boss to himself, because the Kraftfahrtbundesamt (KBA) last week, a recall to the Mercedes -Van Vito because of an inadmissible shutdown device in the exhaust gas purification has arranged, Daimler is ready to call back denies, howeverthat it is a legally illegal function. “It was a good conversation, see you again in 14 days,” said Zetsche leaving the Ministry.

“Bild am Sonntag” had previously reported that probably around 120,000 Daimler diesel vehicles would have to be examined for possible inadmissible defeat devices. These are around 40,000 engines worldwide in the “Vito” and 80,000 in the “C-Class”. According to his own words, Scheuer had instructed the KBA to pursue further suspicious cases at Mercedes without delay. “I expect Mercedes to bring clarity to its customers.”

Audi CEO Rupert Stadler does not rule out further recalls. The “Augsburger Allgemeine” he said: “New recalls are not the result of inaction, but on the contrary, the result of consistent enlightenment.” The Audi boss demanded in the debate on driving bans a nationwide regulation.

Environment Minister proposes phased plan for retrofitting

Meanwhile, Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) is taking a step towards automakers in the diesel exhaust scandal. “I do not want to immediately retrofit all diesel in Germany,” said Schulze of the “Welt” (Online, Print: Monday). On the contrary, she advocated a phased plan for the technical modifications to engines.

First of all, vehicles should be retrofitted there “where the air is particularly bad”. In this way, driving bans could be prevented and the financial burden be limited. “The total costs would be more in the low single-digit billions,” said Schulze.

Also read: How Daimler defends itself against trickery allegations

She sees the automotive industry as a duty, but has no legal handle. “There is no way to force them,” Schulze said. The manufacturers only want to reduce the pollutants with software updates. Hardware upgrades, ie conversions directly on the engine, they reject as too expensive and expensive.

Because of high nitrogen oxides driving restrictions threaten on some streets of particularly polluted cities. For the air pollution, the policy makes the traffic and especially older diesel cars responsible.

rei / dpa

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