New UAW President Gary Jones: 'I am here to fight'

The Detroit News Published 11:19 a.m. ET June 14, 2018

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Gary Jones, new UAW president, gives his first speech on the final day of the convention at Cobo Center.

(Photo: Clarence Tabb Jr., The Detroit News)Buy Photo

Detroit — Newly elected United Auto Workers President Gary Jones says he’s ready to fight for his members.

The former regional director from Missouri took the podium at the union’s 37th Constitutional Convention to the “Rocky” theme, blaring horns and a standing ovation.

“I am here to fight for you,” Jones said in a passionate address to delegates and his fellow union leaders at Cobo Center. “Knowing our core values, knowing who we are and knowing what the UAW is about could not be more important than it is today. It is a time of very deep political divides and social unrest.”


Gary Jones of Missouri promises to fight for the United Auto Workers and uphold their principles during the national convention, June 14, 2018, at Cobo Center in Detroit. The Detroit News

The new president criticized so-called right-to-work efforts that he says threaten the collective bargaining process. And he took a hard line on social justice issues, stating that union values are color-blind, gender-neutral and dedicated to equality.

Jones, director of Region 5 in the west and southwest United States, succeeds Dennis Williams, who will retire Thursday following a single term as president.

This week’s union elections came as federal prosecutors labeled the UAW and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles co-conspirators in a widening corruption scandal, an allegation at odds with claims the labor union and automaker were victimized by rogue employees.

Jones, a certified public accountant, has been a member of the union since 1975 and has held multiple financial roles with the union starting in 1990 when he joined the UAW’s accounting department.

He was named chief accountant in 1991, appointed top administrative assistant to the UAW’s secretary-treasurer in 1995 and served in that role until 2004 when he became assistant director of Region 5.

Jones took over in 2014 as director of Region 5, representing UAW members and retirees in 17 states in the western and southwestern United states including Missouri, California and Washington state.

The newly elected president and his officers — secretary-treasurer Ray Curry and vice presidents Cindy Estrada, Jimmy Settles and Rory Gamble — are scheduled to take questions from the press later this afternoon.

Twitter: @noranaughton


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