‘Holy smokes’! OIG report on FBI’s Hillary investigation HAMMERS Comey (and look at this Strzok/Page text)

Bloomberg News has obtained the DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General’s conclusions following their probe of the James Comey-led FBI’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

The IG reportedly didn’t conclude that Comey was guided by political bias, but the rest of it is not good for the former FBI director, and others.

From Bloomberg News:

Former FBI Director James Comey “deviated” from FBI and Justice Department procedures in handling the probe into Hillary Clinton, damaging the law enforcement agencies’ image of impartiality even though he wasn’t motivated by political bias, the department’s watchdog found in a highly anticipated report.

“While we did not find that these decisions were the result of political bias on Comey’s part, we nevertheless concluded that by departing so clearly and dramatically from FBI and department norms, the decisions negatively impacted the perception of the FBI and the department as fair administrators of justice,” Inspector General Michael Horowitz said in the report’s conclusions, which were obtained Thursday by Bloomberg News.


“Extraordinary” indeed.

And of course the roles of anti-Trump former FBI personnel Lisa Page and Peter Strzok play a part in the OIG report:

Their political bias didn’t affect the investigation? How’s this for a text exchange Bloomberg says is documented in the IG report:



The Bloomberg report is based on the IG report’s conclusions. The full report is due to be released by the DOJ soon.

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