Automotive Components Manufacturer Martinrea Opens $26M Tech Center in Detroit

Martinrea International, an automotive components manufacturer based in Canada has launched a $26 million R&D center in Detroit. The facility already provides employment for 156 workers, and the company’s fluid lab in Toronto will ultimately move to the Detroit tech center.  Martinrea’s most influential clients include Ford, General Motors, Toyota, and Fiat Chrysler and auto manufacturers who have facilities in the Detroit area will be the first to benefit from the tech center’s work, including the use of adhesives for improving and lightweighting their products.

The company hopes that the tech center will help it in addressing the talent gap it is currently experiencing, not only by opening Martinrea to candidates from an expanded geographical area, but also by attracting talent to the automotive industry. The state of Michigan and the City of Auburn Hills provided incentives to make the location attractive to Martinrea decision-makers.