Rupert Stadler in prison – overseer adjourned decision: Succession search for Audi boss becomes a hangover

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Rupert Stadler in jail – overseer adjourn decision decision succession search for Audi boss becomes a hangover

 Audi-Chef Rupert Stadler heute nicht im Büro: Der Manager wegen des Verdachts auf Betrug und Verdunklungsgefahr in Untersuchungshaft. Er will von den Manipulationen der Audi-Motoren, die auch in vielen Volkswagen- und Porsche-Modellen verbaut wurden, angeblich lange nichts gewusst haben


Audi CEO Rupert Stadler not in the office today: The manager on suspicion of fraud and blackout in remand. He claims to have known nothing of the manipulations of the Audi engines, which were also installed in many Volkswagen and Porsche models

After Arrest of Audi boss Rupert Stadler According to insiders, the decision on an interim solution should not be taken until this Tuesday. The Audi supervisory board will continue to deliberate and then decide, saying the situation familiar people on late Monday evening. The controllers of VW and Audi had previously advised for hours on an interim solution.

“The supervisory boards of Volkswagen AG and Audi AG have not made a decision today and continue to examine the situation,” said a VW spokesman. Reasons for the hanging party called VW not. Earlier, insiders had said Audi sales director Bram Schot should temporarily replace Stadler, as long as this could not carry out his duties.

The supervisory board had advised on Monday about Stadler’s surprising arrest in the diesel affair. Subsequently, the Audi inspectors should decide on an interim chief. The Munich public prosecutor had stolen Stadler on Monday morning, surprisingly due to blackout in the diesel affair, he sits since in custody. The investigators had found in the searches a week ago, according to their own information, that the 55-year-old could possibly influence on evidence, other accused or witnesses. The Audi boss should be heard no later than Wednesday.

The manager, who directs the brand with the four rings since 2007, is also held internally a slow processing of the scandal, although Audi is considered the germ cell for the exhaust fraud, which is also affecting VW. Stadler has always rejected the allegations.

Stadler for obscuring danger in custody

On Monday, the Munich public prosecutor had announced the arrest of Audi CEO Rupert Stadler and ordered a judge after a detention appointment for “blackout” pre-trial detention. The judiciary cites this reason if it fears that evidence could be destroyed or someone tries to influence witnesses.

According to the district attorney, Stadler did not provide any information on the matter. Stadler’s lawyer had declined to comment. According to prosecutors, the defense has yet to make any statements.

Audi-Vertriebsvorstand Bram Schot (links) könnte den inhaftierten Rupert Stadler an der Audi-Spitze vorübergehend ersetzen, doch entschieden ist darüber bislang nicht

imago / Sven Simon

Audi sales director Bram Schot (left) could temporarily replace the imprisoned Rupert Stadler at the top of the Audi, but it has not been decided yet

The news had burst just before a regular supervisory board meeting of Volkswagen. The public prosecutor’s office Munich had only last week Surprisingly, Stadler’s private apartment was searched and justified this with suspicion of fraud in the diesel affair. The apartment of another acting Audi manager had also been searched. The number of those accused rose to 20.

Stadler is said to have sold further manipulated cars

For Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess the investigation against Stadler is becoming increasingly a problem. Because he relies on the conversion of the Wolfsburg-based multi-brand company to the Audi boss. Stadler heads the important premium group of Wolfsburg with the Audi brand at the top.

Stadler is said to have been uncovered by the false emission values ​​in Europe after uncovering the manipulations in the US, but unlike in the US, they did not order a sales stop. The investigators relied on the analysis of correspondence, reported investigators. In March 2017 and February 2018 there had been raids at the Audi headquarters in Ingolstadt and at the Neckarsulm plant.

Also read: These are Stadler’s coarsest blunders in the diesel crisis

Audi is said to have sold in the US and Europe from 2009 to about 220,000 diesel cars with cheat software. Since the end of 2015, six Audi board members had had to take their hats off. Stadler has been managing Audi since 2007 and has been under considerable pressure since the announcement of the exhaust scandal over two and a half years ago. Resignation claims have repeatedly been made against the manager. A resignation declined the longtime Audi manager in the past. So far, the families Porsche and Piech Stadler despite all criticism held in office.

Schots way led ABN Amro and Daimler to Volkswagen

Bram Schot, who could possibly replace Stadler, was born on 12 July 1961 in Rotterdam. He studied business administration at the University of Bradford in England. In 1986, he began his career as a management trainee at ABN-Amro-Bank, moving to Mercedes-Benz in the Netherlands a year later, where he was responsible for commercial vehicle sales. He became country chief of DaimlerChrysler in the Netherlands, then in Italy. In 2011 Schot joined the VW group. As of 2012, he was Sales Director of Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. Since September 2017, the manager has been Audi’s Sales and Marketing Director.

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