Deutsche Post wants street scooters by 2020 itself to produce

N After the expulsion of Executive Board member Jürgen Gerdes, the post-chairman of the board of directors commits himself Frank Appel to the street scooter. The electric transporter powered by Gerdes will continue to be produced by Deutsche Post. “At least in the next two years, we will continue,” said Appel the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

Helmut Bünder

Christine Scharrenbroch

The street scooter is “a very good story”. However, it remains that the mail in the long run does not want to be an automaker. “There are all sorts of options,” Appel said. In addition to an IPO, a sale to strategic investors or the participation of partners come into question. Appel announced that the innovation department, where the street scooter is run, should make profits from 2020 onwards.

The controversial e-mail project – launched seven years ago by Gerdes – wants to hold on to Appel. “We will not stop the e-mail, but develop it further.” The e-mail letter made more than 600 million euros in sales and contribute one billion letters to the total annual volume of 16 billion letters.

He wants to demand compliance with the terms and conditions from major parcel customers such as Amazon and Zalando. Sometimes higher weights would be delivered and other target regions would be approached than agreed. Appel was self-confident: Deutsche Post DHL was the most efficient provider in Germany. “There is a mutual dependence that both sides are aware of.”