“Pope Lamborghini” auctioned for 715,000 euros

The Pope in November 2017 with the CEO of Lamborghini – and a Lamborghini
Picture: dpa

More than twice as much as money was hoped for was taken with a 580-hp sports car, the manufacturer had given to the Pope. Much of it is to help victims of the “Islamic state”.

D he Lamborghini , which Pope Francis received from the manufacturer in November, has been auctioned for 715,000 euros. At the auction on Saturday in Monaco, the 580-hp sports car model Huracan RWD Coupe scored more than twice as much as estimated. The starting price was 150,000 euros. At the auction in the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, only a few cars achieved more than the estimated price.

The auction of the special edition donated by the Pope in a Bianco Monocero livery with gold trim in Giallo Tiberino took an unusually long time. From the proceeds go according to Sotheby’s 70 percent – ie 500,500 euros – in the destroyed by the “Islamic State” Mosul in northern Iraq. The remainder is divided equally between projects in Central Africa and a medical and social aid organization.

Francis had signed the sports coupe with a paint pen on the hood. The car was practically new and had not been driven since then, Sotheby’s assured. The Pope usually uses a Ford Focus from the Vatican company car fleet. Allegedly, he still owns a Renault R4, built in 1984, also in white.