Post relies on electric transporters

D he GoGreen stickers have been around for years. For a small additional charge, postal customers can send their letters CO2 neutral. Now this should also be implemented directly in the delivery. In the future, mail and parcel delivery agents of Deutsche Post would only be able to drive through city centers with electric vehicles. “It is conceivable in the future to convert the DHL vehicle fleet to electric vehicles – at least in Germany,” said Post-Chef Frank Appel on Tuesday in Dusseldorf. This is “in the medium term possible, this is not a confused future vision,” he stressed.

The group has already developed an electric van called StreetScooter. In the Greater Bonn area, it is testing the climate-friendly and environmentally friendly delivery in a pilot project. Alone in the current year wants the post 2000 more street scooters on the road bring. The project is developing so successfully that the post office is considering marketing the cars.

“We analyze selling the cars to third parties,” Appel said. But there are still a number of questions to clarify – so the group would have to think about service and warranties for electric vans. How exactly this should happen, is open: “We are not a car company,” said Appel also. StreetScooter was founded in 2010 as a startup in the environment of RWTH Aachen University. At the end of 2014, Swiss Post had taken over the small company.

The StreetScooter is tailored to the needs of the deliverer – so he does not need a long range, but has a large cargo area. In addition, the postal service has reached the breakeven point despite the small number of units it has produced, Appel made it clear: “We already have a break-even situation with StreetScooter today.”