Startup Coast Autonomous shows off

The startup project Coast Autonomous, P-1, was unveiled in New York.

After six years of development, Coast Autonomous has now unveiled its P-1 Autonomous Shuttle in New York. It is a shuttle bus that runs at low speed.

Coast Autonomous

Coast Autonomous. Source: venturebeat

The Shuttle P-1 can carry up to 14 people, with only eight people sitting. The constellation of the seats can be varied. It runs at a speed of 25 miles per hour, which is around 40 km / h. The electric-powered vehicle has wheel hub motors, but neither pedals nor over steering wheel. The omission of the cab allows but the increase in passenger numbers.

The demonstration ride took place in Manhattan in the US city new York instead and the track was separated from the rest of traffic. Inside, a screen is installed on which the route information is displayed.

For this demonstration, the vehicle was checked with an XBOX controller, but the shuttle drove by itself. It has lidar, networking capabilities, GPS, cameras and in the background one works Artificial intelligence at the processing of the data. The contents of the traffic signs and traffic lights were communicated by vehicle networking. The track had previously been measured in a 3D model and per Remote control the vehicle can be monitored. This also allows access in an emergency.

The use of the shuttle P-1 should open campus, Airports, Industrial or Recreation park be. The vehicle can also be used in city centers. The battery power lasts for up to 10 hours. Using the air conditioner, however, only five hours. It can drive a fixed route or be called by App.

The demonstration was not the first. So it was already in seven countries on the way and meanwhile has transported more than 120,000 people. A commercial use wants to start in the coming year.

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