Daniela Gerd tom Markotten: Moovel boss will lead mobility alliance of Daimler and BMW

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Daniela Gerd tom Markotten Moovel’s boss will lead a mobility alliance between Daimler and BMW

Daniela Gerd tom Markotten soll den gemeinsamen Mobilitätsanbieter von Daimler und BMW global expandieren und auf lange Sicht auch börsenreif machen


Daniela Gerd tom Markotten is to expand the joint mobility provider of Daimler and BMW globally and make it ready for the stock market in the long term

Daniela Gerd tom Markotten (43) becomes the announced joint mobility company of Daimler and BMW to lead. The current head of Daimler’s Moovel Group will be CEO of the new alliance, reports the manager magazin in its latest issue (release date: July 20), with reference to business circles.

The car companies had announced at the end of March to merge their mobility services. In addition to the car-sharing providers DriveNow (BMW) and Car2Go (Daimler), the new company also includes Daimler’s taxi service Mytaxi and the BMW subsidiaries ChargeNow and ParkNow.

Daimler and BMW evaluated their future joint venture with around 2.5 billion euros, according to group sources. Daniela Gerd tom Markotten should expand globally with the future mobility provider based in Berlin and also make the company ready for the stock market. However, the new boss can not get started yet. Daimler and BMW are waiting for the approval of the antitrust authorities. You do not expect a decision before autumn, it is said in Munich and Stuttgart.

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