End of a cartel

The cartel allegations against Audi, BMW, Daimler, Porsche and VW destroy the confidence of politics in the industry DER SPIEGEL 2017/31

revelations For decades, politicians and the auto industry have messed with each other. Since the cartel allegations against Daimler, BMW, Audi, Porsche and Volkswagen everyone is fighting against everyone. Now Bosch is under suspicion.

Engines from BMW and VW

U And then Stephan Weil stepped in front of the ZDF camera. The Prime Minister represents in the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen the interests of the second most important shareholder, the state of Lower Saxony.

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Read the full article in issue 31/2017.

  • Alina Emrich & Kiên Hoàng Lê / Lêmrich / Der Spiegel
  • Alina Emrich & amp; Kiên Hoàng Lê / Lêmrich / Der Spiegel