Mando receives trial license for California

South Korean supplier Mando receives a test license for autonomous driving in California.

Just two weeks ago, the company has Mando secured a license to test California Autonomous Vehicles. Mando also cooperates with the South Korean startup Naver, who is also interested in autonomous driving.

Mando Testfahrzeug

Mando test vehicle. Source:

Mando is now that 58. Company with such a test license for the US state of California. This includes having an annual report on accidents and accidents losses of the vehicles. California is one of the US states with the hardest conditions, That’s how it starts Waymo his service also in the neighboring state Arizona, Uber has his license in California because of the deadly accident expire and also features in Arizona no more about test license for autonomous driving.

Mando has its own car with automation called hockey. At the same time, further development is also based on cooperation, especially with startups.

Mando not only expects test miles in California, but accelerated development as well. Since last year, the establishment of the Mando Innovations Silicon Valley (MISV) – a research and development center in the Silicon Valley, This should promote development and promote new innovations. There one also wants to attract startups in order to secure synergy effects. In South Korea, there is already a research laboratory called Next M.

The company Mando is now the second company from South Korea, which has a test license of the US state of California. The other company with such a trial license is the electronics giant Samsung, Along with Renault one has recently also a test license for South Korea,

Mando wants to elevate its platform to level 5 to integrate and test more systems, especially in terms of security.


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