All-wheel-drive Tesla Model 3 price hiked by $1,000

Tesla Model 3 bought [Photo by reader AH]

Tesla Model 3 bought [Photo by reader AH]

As Tesla continues to scramble to make the Model 3 profitable in time to begin making big debt payments in November, the company hiked the price of the all-wheel drive option on the car.

According to Tesla's online configurator, the price has increased from $5,000 to $6,000.

The change was first reported by Electrek on Monday.

Tesla factory screencap from SF Bay Area CBS video

Tesla factory screencap from SF Bay Area CBS video

Buyers interested in the all-wheel-drive Model 3 have been on a pricing roller coaster since the option was announced.

First, Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk announced that it would cost less than the all-wheel-drive option on the Model S: $5,000. When the company began building all-wheel drive versions of the Model 3 in May, the option cost exactly $5,000. Tesla lowered the price to $4,000 in June, and raised it back to $5,000 in August.

READ THIS: Elon Musk announces Tesla Model 3 AWD, performance Model 3 specs

On Wednesday, the company also eliminated two of the Model 3's seven color options, Obsidian Black and Metallic Silver, Musk announced in a Tweet. Buyers who want those colors can still special order them at extra cost.

Solid Black is the only color that doesn't cost extra. Other colors add $1,500 to $2,000 to the price of a Model 3.

As the company works to ramp up production to a steady 6,000 Model 3s per week, the paint shop has reportedly been a major and consistent bottleneck on the assembly line.

It has also been a major safety concern in the Tesla factory, with fires reportedly requiring responses from local emergency officials repeatedly early in the summer. Reducing the complexity of color selection can make a major difference in reducing that bottleneck.

So far, Tesla has still not announced when it will offer the short range Model 3 at the car's originally advertised $35,000 base price.

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