Paragraph attracts: BMW shortens lagging behind Mercedes

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Sales move to BMW Shortened backlog to Mercedes

BMW 3er: Abstand zu Mercedes-Benz verkürzt


BMW 3 Series: shortened distance to Mercedes-Benz

The carmaker BMW Show stock market chart gained momentum in sales in August, shortening the gap to rival Mercedes-Benz. In August, the number of BMW cars sold increased by 3.2 percent to 151 633, the company said on Thursday in Munich.

As a result, BMW was able to catch up almost on a monthly basis with the Daimler brand Mercedes-Benz. The Stuttgart had in August – as already known – a drop in sales of 8.5 percent to just under 156 000 accept.

In the year to date, the Stuttgart but with 1.512 million (plus 1.1 percent) sold Mercedes-Benz cars even more clearly outnumbered BMW. Munich was able to increase sales in the first eight months by two percent to 1.365 million.

la / dpa

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