IONITY Launches First 10 Ultra-Fast Charging Stations


10 stations ready, 390 more to come.

IONITY in Europe proceeds with installations of ultra-fast charging network in a similar time/pace as Electrify America in the U.S. IONITY just completed its 10th station, while Electrify America had 10 in August.

The IONITY is a joint venture of BMW Group, Daimler AG, Ford Motor Company, and Volkswagen Group with Audi and Porsche.

Also, the plans are similar. IONITY aims for 400 stations along major highways by 2020. Another 16 are under construction.

Stations will have on average 6 stalls and power output of up to 350 kW. However, in the case of IONITY, there is no CHAdeMO, only CCS Combo 2.

Here is the map – black marks are completed stations (there are some double stations – in both directions of the highway, which we believe explains why there are only seven black marks).

IONITY fast charging network as of September 26, 2018


IONITY charging isn’t free of charge. The cost of charging is typically eight… simply eight, whatever your currency is, €8, or £8, or 8CHF per session.

350 kW ABB chargers at IONITY station in Switzerland

“To demonstrate just how serious we are about the freedom to drive, for the rest of 2018 all you need to know is the number 8. Whether it’s in Euro, Swiss Francs, or British Pounds, each and every EV charge will be priced at a transparent set-rate of €8, or £8, or 8CHF per session. In Scandinavia the session fee will be 80 NOK / SEK / DKK. Easy and transparent – so you can get on the road today.

For third-party payments, please check directly with your mobility service provider for their individualized rates.”

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