e.Go Mobile: Electric car e.Go Life will be launched in 2019

Diesel beats electric: Because of the diesel scandal suppliers want for the auto industry in future more control over their components. This is also true of the manufacturers of electric cars, The Aachen-based company e.Go Mobile can be ego Therefore deliver Life later.

October 9, 2018, 12:25 pm,

Elektrokleinwagen e.Go Life: Liefertermin wird im Februar bekanntgegeben.

Electric small car e.Go Life: Delivery date will be announced in February.
(Image: e.Go Mobile)

The waiting has no end: The Aachen company e.Go Mobile has announced that the electric car e.Go Life will be available in the coming year. The first models of the comparatively cheap electric car should have been delivered these days.

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dSPACE GmbH, Paderborn
Bosch Group, Stuttgart

The sale of a supplier and – just – the diesel scandal delay the mass production of the small electric car of the Aachen-based company. Although e.Go Mobile has found new suppliers, company boss Günther Schuh writes in a letter to customers and media representatives. “Unfortunately, due to the diesel scandal, the corporate governance rules of many suppliers have changed, and we now have new approval rules from individual suppliers, with some suppliers having their own application and safety ratings and no longer accepting the OEM classification. “

Suppliers no longer just want to certify their parts and deliver them to car manufacturers, the OEMs, who then do it their own way. Instead, the suppliers obviously want to take another look at the end product to make sure that the parts are used in their own right and not unlawfully.

Four of the suppliers do not want to release their components for road use until April 2019. E.Go Mobile could therefore only start series production in March, writes Schuh. A production of 2,000 electric cars in heap could not afford the company. To compensate for this at least partially, e.Go Mobile wants to produce in two-shift operation – but only from June.

For the buyers, that means they will have to wait for their electric car until well into the coming year. Anyone who has already pre-booked an e.Go Life will probably get their vehicle between April and September. “We can tell you the calendar week that your final configured e.Go Life will be produced from February 2019. The environmental bonus can be claimed if the purchase contract has been signed by June 30, 2019,” says Schuh.

The electric car e.Go Life is available in three versions, It was designed by e.Go Mobile, a spin-off of the RWTH Aachen University in Aachen. The car was designed as e-small car for 5,000 euros, A second company, which emerged from the RWTH project, is building the electric vans Streetscooter and was launched in 2016 taken over by Deutsche Post,

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