BMW readies battery factory for wave of coming electric vehicles

Mini Electric concept, 2017 Frankfurt auto show

Mini Electric concept, 2017 Frankfurt auto show

BMW announced last month it will significantly expand and overhaul a facility to produce batteries for electric cars at its factory in Dingolfing, Germany.

The factory currently builds several BMW sedans and coupes, including plug-in versions of the 5- and 7-Series.

The new battery assembly line in the factory will cover 65,000 square feet in the factory, according to a report in Autoevolution.

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With the expansion and new assembly line, the company will invest "mid-double-digit-million-euro amount" to overhaul the factory, BMW's electric powertrain head Roland Maurer told Autoevolution.

“With the launch of new models and growing demand for electrified vehicles, we will be stepping up production of electric components significantly over the next few months and years,” he said.

The new line is expected to supply batteries for the upcoming 2020 Mini Electric as well as the 2019 BMW iX3 SUV that will be built in China, the 2021 i4 based on the i Vision Dynamics concept, and the iNext luxury sedan.

The factory may assemble BMW's next generation of batteries with more compact packs and more efficient cooling, as a supplier to the company recently revealed. It will also build complete drive units for the cars, with motors and electronics.

READ MORE: BMW sets up end-to-end battery recycling in Europe

Further in the future, BMW has announced plans to build a supply chain to recycle used battery cells into new packs through a partnership with a new battery supplier in Sweden and a Belgian recycling firm.

Those batteries won't come online until supplier Northvolt completes its battery factory in Sweden and until a sufficient supply of used batteries from old BMW electric models becomes available.

Following the iX3 due out next year, the new Mini electric is expected to be the company's next electric model. It is expected to have 200 miles of range. Our sister site, MotorAuthority, published the most recent spy photos of the new Mini Electric hardtop in June.

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