20 November 2018


Sales-Lentz, one of Luxembourg’s main transport operators, has chosen the cities of Luxembourg and Contern to implement Luxembourg’s first autonomous shuttles and to address two different issues.

Sales-Lentz improves the mobility of Contern’s industrial employees with an autonomous shuttle.

NAVYA’s AUTONOM SHUTTLE responds to the issue of the first and last kilometer by travelling between Sandweiler station and the Contern campus without stopping in between. The shuttle, currently free of charge, has been running since September 21st every morning between 6:30 a.m and 10 a.m and at the end of the day from 4:30 p.m to 7 p.m

“[It is] an innovative and ecological solution to cover the always critical last mile for public transport users. Obviously, the idea pleased us because it corresponds in every way to our desire to develop and operate the Campus Contern: to make life easier for the occupants and to encourage the greenest possible operation,” explains Virginie Ducommun, Marketing Manager.

The city of Luxembourg chosen by Sales-Lentz to improve access to the city centre

On 22 September 2018, two AUTONOMS SHUTTLES of NAVYA were inaugurated in Luxembourg City in order to make hard-to-reach areas accessible and to improve the fluidity of journeys. The autonomous shuttles run free of charge every 15 minutes between the Pfaffenthal lift and the funicular to the “Val des Bons Malades” cemetery.

In the continuity of the European HORIZON 2020 project

Two of the three AUTONOMS SHUTTLES in Luxembourg are part of the European Consortium AVENUE H2020*, “Autonomous Vehicles to Evolve to New Urban Experience”. This is the Consortium that has been selected by the European project ART-07-2017 HORIZON 2020 for the development of autonomous vehicles in European cities, making NAVYA the official supplier of autonomous shuttles.

The ambition of the project is to design and carry out full-scale experiments on autonomous mobility in the city centre. Three other major European cities are also part of these experiments, Lyon (2 shuttles), Copenhagen (3 shuttles) and Geneva (3 shuttles).

* AVENUE H2020 is a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon research and innovation program under agreement No. 769033.

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