Auto-mobile service added to transportation options available at the Gare d’autocars de Montréal

Montreal, October 11, 2017- Today opens a new drop-off point at the Gare d’autocars de Montréal for Auto-mobile, Communauto’s free floating service.

Carsharing offer is now added to the taxi, the metro and the intercity buses already present in this place. The offer now includes an array of mobility options to encourage and optimize alternative travel to the solo auto. The site can accommodate up to six cars, exclusive to carsharing service.

They will be available 24 hours a day at the entrance of 550 Ontario Street East.

Communauto’s web App

A passenger on the bus to Montreal may block an Auto-mobile 30 minutes before the end of his trip. Thanks to the use of the Communuato App, he will be able to take possession of a vehicle as soon as he arrives at the station. After use, he may release the vehicle at the station or at any other designated drop-off point. When they go to Montreal, subscribers in the cities served by Communauto will be able to take advantage of the Auto-mobile service.

Accessible sustainable mobility

The offer of carsharing, like the taxi, completes the missing link for our passengers in transit. They want to enjoy a variety of transportation options for the last kilometers of their trip. These are sometimes difficult to organize, especially in periods outside peak hours. With this addition, we make life easier for those who choose sustainable mobility on a daily basis” , says Director and Chief Operating Officer Ghislain Doré.

” This Communauto drop-off point is a great demonstration of openness to multimodality on the part of the Gare d’autocars de Montréal. The addition of car sharing service makes it a unique point of service in Quebec,” says Marco Viviani, Vice-President, Strategic Development for Communauto. ” The Gare d’autocars de Montreal offers destinations in the eight cities covered by our carsharing services, this station will facilitate the travel of our users,” he concludes.

Concentration of the offer

The intermodality offered at the Gare d’autocars de Montréal reinforces the existing transport offer. In this busy sector, it is estimated that more than 2.5 million passengers tarnsit each year. A high proportion of which are in transit for reasons of work or study. By combining all these modes in one place, users arrive in the Montréal metropolitan area and have a smooth, efficient service while participating in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

As a major intercity center, the Gare d’autocars de Montréal is also an important service center with more than 371 dwellings, the Quartier Latin medical clinic, a pharmacy, a convenience store, a restaurant and a coach service.



Brigitte Geoffroy

Communauto, PR Advisor

1 514 499-2956 |

Original Article

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