Diesel scandal: 81,000 join suit against VW

Als betrogener Dieselfahrer gegen den Volkswagen-Konzern zu klagen, kann recht kostspielig werden. In einer Musterfeststellungsklage tragen Verbraucherschützer und ADAC das Prozesskostenrisiko


Suffering as a cursed diesel driver against the Volkswagen Group, can be quite expensive. Consumer protec- tors and ADAC are bearing the litiga- tion costs risk in a model declaration suit

Tens of thousands of VW diesel drivers feel moved by the group over the table. More than 81,000 are now taking part in a model declaration suit against the carmaker. If ADAC and consumer advocates succeed, customers could better enforce their claims in court.

Less than two weeks since the opening of the complaint register for the designation suit against Volkswagen more than 81,000 sufferers have already registered. “The interest to participate in a lawsuit against VW, so obviously very large,” said the head of the Federation of German Consumer Federation (vzbv), Klaus Müller, on Thursday in Berlin. “We expect the number of applications to continue to increase.”

Volkswagen customers affected by the emissions scandal have been able to join the vzbv and ADAC prototype claim against the carmaker since 27 November. To do this, you must register online with the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ) in an application form in the complaints register.

With the model declaratory claim, consumer advocates and ADAC want to know clarified whether consumers with the exhaust scandal affected vehicles of the brands of the Wolfsburger Group are entitled to compensation claims. The law on the introduction of the model declaration action came into force at the beginning of November.

The legal form allows consumers to enforce their claims more easily against companies. Entitled to action are associations. Subsequently, a court makes fundamental determination goals about possible misdemeanors of a company. Consumers can then rely on it when they subsequently sue their individual claims themselves.

VW has rejected the demands: The cars are approved, technically safe and ready to drive. In September 2015, VW had to allow manipulation of diesel engines. The mandatory recall at Volkswagen affects 2.5 million cars.

rei / afp / dpa

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