Fraud allegations: Procuratorate files charges against Ghosn and Nissan

Carlos Ghosn: Der Renault-Chef soll jahrelang ein viel zu niedriges Einkommen bei der Börse deklariert haben


Carlos Ghosn: The Renault boss is said to have declared for years a much too low income at the stock exchange

Nissan Chairman of the Board Carlos Ghosn, who has been in custody for three weeks, and the corporation itself are in Japan Charge for violating stock exchange requirements. That confirmed Nissan on Monday in Tokyo. Earlier, the radio station NHK and the Kyodo news agency reported on it.

One takes the situation “extremely seriously”, it was said in a written statement of the Renault partner. The prosecution accuses Ghosn, another ex-detained detective, and the company as a whole, of understating money in official reports as too low.

Ghosn was arrested on 19 November in Tokyo. In addition to the cover-up of parts of his income, he is said to have personally enriched the company capital of the car maker Nissan. His detention before an official indictment had caused criticism, especially outside of Japan. By 10 December, the prosecutors were able to keep the manager in custody. Without charge, they would have to be released afterwards. Now, the prosecutor issued another arrest warrant, which could put the remand for the 64-year-olds until the end of the year.

Ghosn himself denies the allegations, Nissan and Mitsubishi Show stock market chart dismissed him as a consequence of the affair as chairman of the board. At the French carmaker Renault Show stock market chart is the 64-year-old formally continues to be CEO. However, he is currently represented by the current number two Thierry Bolloré.

Also read: Why Ghosn Turbo Dismantling becomes a political issue

The car companies Renault, Nissan and Mitsubishi had recently stated that they wanted to hold on to their alliance, despite the affair of Ghosn.

mg / afp

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