The effect of the WLTP in Europe weighs 17% on Audi sales in November, up to 132,650 units

Posted 11/12/2018 11: 34: 29CET


The German brand Audi experienced a decline of 16.7% in its worldwide registrations during the past month of November, until reaching a volume of 132,650 units, according to data published by the company.

Audi explained that its monthly sales were negatively affected by the entry into force, on 1 September, of the new WLTP approval protocol, which resulted in a 34% crash of its deliveries to the European market.

Between January and November, the company based in Ingolstadt (Germany) commercialized 1.65 million vehicles in all the countries in which it operates, 2.4% less compared to the 1.69 million units delivered therein months of 2017.

By regions, Audi sold 43,850 cars in Europe last month, 33.9% less, and 692,150 units since January, down 13%, while its deliveries in the United States fell 11% in November, with 17,082 units, and they grew 0.5% so far in 2018, with 200,558 units.

The company of the four rings registered 1,156 automobiles in Mexico in the monthly calculation, 24.9% less, and 13,261 units in the first eleven months, 2.1% more, while in Brazil their monthly sales decreased by 10%. , 3%, up to 886 units, and 11.9% since January, with 7,962 units.

For its part, the automotive firm closed last November with deliveries in China and Hong Kong of 57,721 units, 2.7% more, and 597,451 units so far this year, 13% more.

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