UGT believes that Spain is not prepared to lead the change to sustainable mobility

Statements by UGT Secretary General, Pepe Álvarez, collected from the Public Mirror Program by Europa Press, refuted the union’s position on the initiative to transition to sustainable mobility by pointing out that Spain is not the right country to lead the change, “a country which exports 80% of the cars it produces “.

The secretary compared Spain with Germany, highlighting the second one for positioning himself well above the first in the implementation of electric cars, perfectly capable to lead this process of change and that if we were in that country “he would be in agreement (with the decision of the Government of prohibit the sale of combustion cars since 2040) because that’s where you decide what’s going to happen with the automobile industry and that’s where the factories are. “

The secretary has called for “prudence” and has opted for Spain to get “on the wheel” of the change that will occur in the European Union and collaborate with auxiliary companies of the automobile and with multinationals, “so that Let’s continue combustion, “and to prevent the destruction of more jobs.

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