New CO2 limits: Transport Minister demands changes in strategy from car makers


“There will also have to be a change in strategies”: Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer

In the dispute over lower CO2 limits, the Federal Government wanted to play no longer the guardian angel for Daimler, VW and Co. Now Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer is calling on corporations to adapt their strategies and business models more quickly.

In the dispute with other EU states for lower CO2 limits for new cars, the German government had virtually no longer spread its otherwise protective hand over the auto industry at the finish line of the deliberations. Probably because even Federal Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) is slowly dawning that without pressure from the car makers is not really anything to achieve.

After the yesterday by the European Parliament now passed higher limits Scheuer (CSU) has called on the car industry to act in the face of tighter EU climate protection targets. “There will also have to be a change in strategies,” said the German Press Agency and spoke of a “great challenge”.

By 2030, the car industry is expected to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2 for new cars on average by 37.5 percent – compared to the target for 2021 level. The federal government actually wanted only a reduction of 30 percent, but had last made no resistance here.

VW CEO Herbert Diess had announced in response to a further reorganization program for the Group towards e-mobility. With the tightening of the fleet target, the group must raise the share of e-cars in total sales to 2030 to over 40 percent.

Scheuer said that the “ideologically embossed” had started with a reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030 at 50 percent, now a reduction of 37.5 percent came out. But that would not be possible without the recently criticized diesel engine, Scheuer explained at the same time.

Scheuer breaks again a lance for the diesel engine

The German car industry relies on the diesel if it wants to achieve the CO2 targets. Diesel emit with the same engine power less CO2 than gasoline. The diesel new registrations are due to the exhaust gas scandal and impending driving bans in large cities due to the nitrogen oxide load on a descent.

With regard to the diesel crisis, Scheuer advised the automakers: “I therefore recommend the year 2019, especially for German manufacturers, as a year to regain confidence and rebuild the image, especially among the hundreds of thousands of diesel customers.”

with news agencies

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