Window tint legalization bill rolls to Snyder’s desk

Window tint legalization bill rolls to Snyder’s desk

Lansing — The Michigan Senate on Thursday gave final approval to legislation that would loosen restrictions on tinted windows and rear-view mirror decorations like fuzzy dice.

Under the proposal, approved in a narrow 20-18 vote and now headed toward Gov. Rick Snyder’s desk, motorists could have modest tint on their driver- and passenger-side windows, so long as it allows roughly 70 percent of light to pass through.

All of the Senate Democrats voted against the proposal except Sen. Ian Conyers of Detroit. Eight Republicans also opposed the measure, including Sens. Patrick Colbeck of Canton Township, James Marleau of Lake Orion and Mike Shirkey of Clarklake.

Current law allows only a four-inch tint strip at the top of those windows and the front windshield, an allowance would be extended to six inches under the legislation.

The proposal would allow cars to have darker tint on their rear windshield and rear side windows allowing roughly 25 percent of visible light to pass through.

It wasn't apparent how many drivers were getting ticketed under the current law. "It is not known how much revenue potentially could be lost as a result of the bill's reduced civil infractions, but it is expected to be minimal," according to a Senate Fiscal Agency analysis.

The legislation would also lift a blanket prohibition on operating a motor vehicle if there is any object that obstructs the vision of the driver, including decorations hanging from rear-view mirrors.

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