Volkswagen expects delivery record

The diesel scandal does not hurt the popularity of Volkswagen apparently: The Group will probably deliver more cars in 2018 than ever before. It did not go so well in the past few months.

VW-Werk in China (Archivbild)


VW plant in China (archive picture)

Friday, 14.12.2018
12:43 clock

The carmaker Volkswagen expects a new delivery record for 2018 – although the group once again sold fewer cars last month. In November, sales fell in comparison to the same month last year by 5.4 percent to 940,900 vehicles, the company said.

The reason for this was above all the continuing reluctance to buy in China: The uncertainty of the Chinese because of the Trade dispute with the US had dropped sales in the Group’s most important single market by 7.3 percent to 399,500 cars.

Nevertheless, deliveries from January to November increased by 1.8 percent to around 9.92 million cars. This is a new record for 2018 within reach, said Volkswagen.

In the previous months, deliveries fell because of the conversion to the new WLTP exhaust gas test method in the exhaust affair However. In November, sales in Europe fell by three percent compared to the same month of the previous year – deliveries in Germany even dropped by 4.9 percent in the month to 106,800 vehicles.

The largest decline in November was recorded by the Group subsidiary Audi – Deliveries fell 16.7 percent to 132,700 cars. In the first eleven months of the year, Audi dropped to 2.4 percent and to around 1.66 million cars. Most recently, the group had announced that Bram Schot will take over the business from 2019, He follows that in the diesel affair excreted Rupert Stadler,

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