Tesla CEO Elon Musk Tweets Superchargers Coming To 100% Of Europe In 2019


Published on December 26th, 2018 |
by Steve Hanley

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Tweets Superchargers Coming To 100% Of Europe In 2019

December 26th, 2018 by Steve Hanley

On the day after Christmas, Elon Musk took to Twitter to spread good news about electric cars, the Tesla Model 3, and the Supercharger network. “Most people don’t know that the Tesla Supercharger network allows easy long distance travel throughout USA, most of Europe, Canada and China,” he tweeted.

Do you know any other company that gives people a list of its competitors? Cuz we searched our archives down in the basement of the CleanTechnica World Headquarters building and couldn’t find any. We keep all those important files right next to the climate-controlled room where we keep the Vueve Clicquot Yellow Label champagne we serve after our weekly squash match.

Now that the Model 3 is headed to Europe, interested buyers are curious what Tesla and Elon Musk have up their sleeve with regard to building out the Supercharger system on the Old Continent. Paul Kelly, who lives in Ireland and is expecting delivery of a new Model X in 2 weeks, asked Elon that question directly and got the following reply.

Europe? Tesla Has You Covered. Texas, Too.

Well, naturally, that got the faithful fired up. Alejandro Zuboff tweeted from Texas to ask about coverage in his state.

Jim Roger Johansen wanted to know if the coastal highway in northern Norway would have a Supercharger station soon and got a “Yep” back from Elon.

More Charging News

While most manufacturers are thinking about building charging networks for their electric cars — assuming they ever build any — Tesla is putting its money where its mouth is.

The takeaway is that Tesla is doing more than any other company in the world to make charging an EV simple and convenient. Yes, free Supercharging is a thing of the past or soon will be, but the company has said all along it does not intend to make charging a profit center. Even if folks wind up paying for the electricity they use, it will still cost about half as much as the gasoline needed to travel a given distance.

When it comes to electric cars, Tesla is King Of The Mountain. Everyone else is just playing Follow The Leader.

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About the Author

Steve Hanley Steve writes about the interface between technology and sustainability from his home in Rhode Island and anywhere else the Singularity may take him. His motto is "Democracy is socialism." You got a problem with that?

You can follow him on Google + and on Twitter.

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