Kanye West Jumps On Desk and Shouts At College Students To “Leave Elon Musk The F**K Alone”

Has the rapper found a kindred spirit in the Tesla billionaire?

Never one to shy away from a public outburst and dramatic meltdown, Kanye West has been at it again, but this time he is ranting in defense of fellow eccentric Elon Musk.

The Mirror reports that the Yeezy rapper was holding court and laying down the gospel according to Kanye at an art college in Detroit earlier this week.

The money moment came when the hyperactive hip-hopper left the assembled students gob-smacked by spontaneously leaping onto a nearby desk and giving an impassioned defense about billionaire Tesla founder Elon Musk.

Musk himself is no stranger to bizarre antics and controversial behavior. The quirky inventor has previously been ridiculed after stating that he thinks we’re all probably living in a Matrix-style simulation. He is also being currently sued for libel and slander by one of the Thailand cave rescue divers he has repeatedly called “pedo guy”.

Musk was also recently fined $20 million in a settlement relating to fraud charges and a series of “false and misleading” tweets in regard to the status of his electric car firm.

Perhaps West, who has had his own fair share of slightly “out-there” moments in the public eye views the Tesla founder as something of a kindred spirit.

Either way in a video filmed by one of the students simply known as Josh, an animated West can be seen jumping up and down on a table and hollering, “I don’t give a f**k who’s over at his house, leave that man the f**k alone. Leave that man the f**k alone…”

What this means no-one really knows. The video was captioned “Kanye really came to our little art school and told us to leave Elon Musk alone” has been viewed an impressive 500 000 times as Twitter as fans of the two geniuses try to decipher its meaning.

It’s the latest highlight in a difficult week for Kanye. The rapper landed himself in hot water on the weekend by tweeting he would like to see the anti-slavery 13th amendment abolished. He later changed this to “amended.”

West called the 13th amendment “slavery in disguise” and declared “it never ended.”

Actor Chris Evans branded West’s remarks as “retrogressive, unprecedented and absolutely terrifying.” He also accused West of framing his “myopia as virtue.”

This latest episode is really nothing new though. West has a proud history of spouting the nonsensical. Let’s end with some of his best from the past decade.

“You may be talented, but you’re not Kanye West.”

“I make awesome decision in bike stores!!!”

“Sometimes I get emotional over fonts.”

“I hate when I’m on a flight and I wake up with a water bottle next to me like oh great now I gotta be responsible for the water bottle.”

“Stevie Wonder never had to use the word bitch to get his point across.”

“Who’s seen the play Wicked? I’ve seen it 4 times! Other than loving the music, acting and costumes…it’s my story!!!”

“Sometimes I push the door close button on people running towards the elevator. I just need my elevator sometimes, my 7 floor sanctuary.”

Original Article

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