They develop a technology that offers an electric car charge as fast as pouring gasoline

The main problem with the electric car is undoubtedly the duration of the battery recharging process and the limited autonomy that this offers to vehicles with these characteristics. Charging an electric car far exceeds the five minutes it takes to refuel with gasoline and this, as well as being a tedious task, is one of the main reasons that sows the distrust of customers when buying an electric vehicle.

The startup GBattieries, has proposed to put an end to this obstacle that hinders the fluid commercialization of this type of vehicles, and its team has set to work in the development of a new technology that promises to recharge the batteries of electric cars of a as fast as it happens in the case of cars with fuel.

This startup relies on large partners such as Airbus Ventures, Initialized Capital, Plug and Play and SV Angel, and is based on a mixture of software and electronic algorithms that can work even with the traditional batteries that these vehicles currently assemble. Thanks to these algorithms, the loading process can be optimized, even with the help of Artificial Intelligence. In fact, the new technology would work with the current fast chargers thanks to an adapter in the charging port. A technology that at the moment does not have a date of arrival to the market.

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