BMW & Mercedes-Benz go together?

The two luxury car manufacturers, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, want to merge for autonomous driving.

The development of the Autonomous driving has already started several cooperations. So have yourself cooperation blocks formed across the industries. Not only suppliers and manufacturers, but also IT companies belong to the partners of these cooperations.


Mercedes-Benz Vision URBANETIC people mover module

Now apparently two competitors want to join together to take on the Autonomous Driving together: BMW and Mercedes Benz. So you want to merge the development of production and it is considered to reveal the patents in the field of each other.

Already concerning the mobility serviceslike that Car sharing. you got together and merged the departments in a joint venture.

The goal of the merge is to reduce development costs. With this intention, both manufacturers have ford and Volkswagen which you have recently been Details announced Has.

The conventional vehicle business could also affect the new cooperation. So one considers to unify the 1er row of BMW and the A-class of Mercedes-Benz to unify. But such could be the source after first off 2025 will be realized.

In addition to anti-trust provisions, the merger creates further difficulties. For example, Mercedes-Benz is already cooperating with the supplier Bosch. Together they want high autonomy this year in the Silicon Valley start as a pilot project. In this context one works with Nvidia together.

BMW has gathered a number of partners for the development. These include suppliers as well as IT companies and other manufacturers. Count among others Mobileye, Intel, Fiat-Chrysler or Hyundai to the cooperation circle of BMW.

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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