Parking robot at Gatwick airport

At Gatwick Airport, from April on, a robot called Stan is being tested for parking.

First, a test should be carried out to see if the project is workable. But then it should soon become a reality. It’s about Stan, a robot that parks cars.

Stan, the name of the robot vehicle, consists of a drive section and a platform on which to transport the cars. This platform resembles a tongue, which is pushed under the vehicle and then lifted. The Stan drive is electric. The parking vehicle has sensors and GPS. Stan comes from the French IT company Stanley Robotics. His field of application is the long-term parking at Gatwick Airport near London.

The test should start in April. The aim of the project is to increase parking capacity and convenience. In this way, people should not have to search for a parking space and the tighter parking should be able to accommodate up to 30 percent more cars. Because if nobody has to get out, you can shorten the distance to the neighboring car. For safety reasons, people are no longer allowed to enter the car park.

Parking is used and booked via an app on the smartphone. At first, Stan acts in the parking lot for over three months. If the project is successful, it will be extended.

A similar concept has already been tested by Dusseldorf Airport with the park robot Ray several years ago. Autonomous parking is also increasingly being tackled. The concept is used, for example, in the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart and was made available at the University of Aachen at short notice. Again, this promises more comfort and more capacity.

source (English)

About David Flora

I’ve been writing about Autonomous & Connected Driving since 2011 and also talk about it on other sites like the Smart Mobility Hub. I studied social sciences at the HU Berlin and since 2012 I am a freelance journalist. Contact:

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