Amazon delivers packages with the autonomous Scout vehicle

The messengers or delivery people who deliver the packages purchased in e-commerce platforms can undergo a revolution. The Amazon e-commerce giant has started a pilot test to distribute its packages through its new electric vehicle and self-employed Scout.

The new device has an appearance reminiscent of a cleaning robot or a toy truck. Amazon Scout has the size of “a small refrigerator” and is able to move autonomously on the sidewalks of streets and dodge obstacles as people and pets, according toexplains in a post Sean Scott, vice president of Amazon Scout. The small delivery robot has been developed at the Amazon research center at its Seattle headquarters.

Amazon also delivers with drones

The first field test of the new Amazon Scout has already started in the Snohomish neighborhood of Washington with six units of the vehicle that distribute the purchases of customers subscribed to the Prime service. At the moment, the robotic vehicles circulate with the supervision of an employee who supervises their evolution on the sidewalks.

The company aims to accumulate experience to test Amazon Scout systems for an extension of the service without the accompaniment of a human. The distribution by means of an autonomous vehicle is one of the innovations in which Amazon works, which is also testing the delivery of packages by drones in certain locations.

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