Just before Christmas we were busy with lots of Zero kit collections including two that were being collected and going to customers in America. One of those was Brian Finegan’s who now has his Zero and is ready for the build to begin.
Earlier this week it was nice to receive an email from Paul Barnes who is our USA representative with photos of Brian and his Zero along with a few words he has wrote for the Blog about his Zero and experience with GBS.

First let me share, for 20+ years I raced Formula Vee (USA) and Formula First (USA). When I sold the F First, I was looking for something to fill the void. I came across GBS, after a few emails and calls, I was put in contact with Paul Barnes. I cannot say enough of how great he was and has been, providing assistance and guidance through the whole process. Questions were never left unanswered and there were always follow-ups to make sure I did not have any additional questions.

When the time came for shipping my order, I was always kept up to date and best prepared on what expect and what best to do. I saw pictures of the frame, waiting to be packed. The crate, while it was being loaded on the truck. Able to track the boat as it came over. Informed of when it was getting to the final location, for my pickup.

Unpacking it was like a huge present. The larger items were easy to pick out, when doing inventory, all items had stickers to let you know what they were if you could not tell by holding them. All of the smaller stuff that was packed in boxes, had lists on the top, telling you everything that was contained within them. Job well done, with everything that goes into one of these and keeping the order list aligned to everything that was packed. I am so excited, to dig into this thing. Once this crazy local Chicago weather settles down, to make it a little more comfortable working in the garage. Thank you GBS for what you have done, put together and put into my hands. I am so happy to be part of this family and cannot wait to share my progress. – Brian Finegan, USA.

We look forward to following Brian’s Zero build as it progresses and sharing more photos with you all soon along with the other Zero builds in the USA.

This month is also busy with more Zero kit collections including one that is now waiting to be collected that’s off to France and another that is currently being packed that will soon be collected and on its way to a customer in Australia.

The GBS Factory is always busy, and we like to share with you what is going on both at the factory and behind the scenes. So why not follow us on FacebookTwitter @GBSCars and Instagram and now we are also on Pinterest.

If you have any questions or would like any more details on the GBS Zero range please contact us on 01623 860990 or email us. We are open Monday to Friday 9am – 5.30pm and most Saturdays 10am – 2pm if we are not at a track day or show, please check our event page to see our weekend openings.

Brian collecting his Zero kit from the port. Zero Chassis & kit in Brian's garage all ready for the build begin. Brian looking forward to the start of his Zero build, we look forward to following his build and seeing it progress.Contact us for more details on the Zero Kit range.... We look forward to hearing from you.GBS Cars & Coffee event is happening on Saturday 23rd March at the GBS Factory.... Hope you can join us!

February 7, 2019

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