Texas Startup Offering City-To-City Shuttle Service In Teslas


Published on February 18th, 2019 | by Kyle Field

Texas Startup Offering City-To-City Shuttle Service In Teslas

February 18th, 2019 by Kyle Field

A new startup is building an army of Teslas in Texas to establish a city-to-city shuttle service. ElecTrip is the name of this new luxury city-to-city shuttle service.

The business is unique in that it does not plan to own all of the Teslas it needs, but has purchased two vehicles to anchor its operations. In order to grow its capacity beyond those two vehicles, the company is reaching out to private owners and asking to rent their vehicles from them for the day as needed. In exchange, owners will get $100 to $175 per day, depending on the number of miles put on their vehicle while it was out.

On the customer front, ElecTrip is offering passengers a dedicated Tesla shuttle that will take them from within 50 miles of their starting city to another city within a 4-hour drive without needing a charge. The hope is that passengers will be willing to pay more than they would for a comparable Uber or Lyft for a premium, dedicated experience.

ElecTrip is aiming at what it sees as a sweet spot in pricing between ride-sharing services and airline travel. Hopping on a plane could be faster, but with the additional security and hassle, taking a door to door shuttle could be a more appealing offering, especially if the service can hit a lower price point. Airline travel also comes with a massive emissions footprint that electric transportation is able to improve upon.

The price for the service ranges from $200 for the 1 hour and 20 minute run from Austin to San Antonio all the way up to $430 for the 3½ hour slog from Houston to Dallas. Don’t think that $430 puts them out of the running, as the service can accommodate up to 5 people, which has the potential to make riding in a Tesla the lower cost option in many cases.

ElecTrip was founded by two University of Texas at Austin grads who were attracted to the idea of electric vehicles and started looking for a way to capitalize on the lower maintenance costs of the vehicles. The business is still just getting off its feet, but one year into the adventure, the founders are excited by the rapid month-over-month growth they continue to see.


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About the Author

Kyle Field I'm a tech geek passionately in search of actionable ways to reduce the negative impact my life has on the planet, save money and reduce stress. Live intentionally, make conscious decisions, love more, act responsibly, play. The more you know, the less you need. TSLA investor.

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