Electric cars: Tesla plans no plant in Germany

US automakers Tesla obviously does not want to build a factory in Germany. Last year, there were statements from Elon Musk Speculation about appropriate plans of the company.

March 16, 2019, 10:07 am,

Tesla Model 3

Tesla Model 3
(Photo: Tesla)

A Tesla spokesman has that News magazine Focus said he could “neither confirm that a factory in Germany is opened, nor when”.

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Tesla boss Elon Musk had announced in June 2018, to open a so-called Gigafactory in Europe. Tesla have contact with various locations in Europe, in addition to Germany, for example, in the Netherlands and Poland, said the spokesman.

Also from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs it was said, of plans Teslas for the establishment of a work in Germany is not known. The statements by the state chancelleries of the federal states of Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland and Saxony were also the same, writes Focus. All four states had hopes that Tesla would build the plant in their state.

Tesla had the Friday with the Model Y Introduced a new model 3 based electric car. As the share of SUV sales in the US is now just as high as the normal car, Tesla hopes for a growth spurt.

However, the basic variant with a range of 370 km and a top speed of 193 km / h will only come on the market in the spring of 2021 and cost $ 39,000. The more expensive models already appear in the fall of 2020. The long-haul version with rear-wheel drive costs 55,000 euros, the four-wheel drive version is sold for 59,000 euros and the performance variant for 67,000 euros.

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