RPGs at BMW: How the development chief became a side CEO

When it comes to VW to electric mobility or autonomous driving, takes over CEO Heerbert Diess (60) in person. After all, the future of auto companies will be decided upon in these fields. However, when he sought an alliance with BMW at the end of 2017, he did not address CEO Harald Krüger (53), but negotiated with the Chief Development Officer Klaus Fröhlich (58). He also signed the letter of intent for cooperation in autonomous driving – but with the future Daimler CEO Ola Källenius (49). Cheerful and colleagues had decided against Volkswagen.

This is also the case when BMW and Daimler discuss the joint development of electric cars: Klaus Fröhlich leads the discussions (see box “cheap electricity”).

And when in November 2018, the leaders of the auto industry in Berlin struggled for a common position in the diesel dispute with the federal government, Harald Krüger Daimler boss Dieter Zetsche (65) did not attack his indecision: “How, Mr. Zetsche,

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