Daimler works council warns before Hauruck change to the electric car

If one were to listen to environmentalists and politicians, then the electric car would already be in masses on the street. But among those responsible in car companies, the discomfort of this change grows with the crowbar.

Wasserstoff-Benz: Bislang quasi in Einzelfertigung

Hydrogen Benz: So far almost in one-off production

Thursday, 04.04.2019
08:44 clock

The hype around that electric car threatens to overrun everyone. Critical objections are quickly defamed as the persistence of diehards. But the unilateral determination may eventually bring more problems than it solves. Of these, at least Michael Häberle, works council chief Daimler Headquarters in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim convinced. “The battery is incredibly important to us, but you can not rely on just one pill,” Häberle said. “I do not know if we can afford to force only the mainstream battery, and then we might get hung up on the hydrogen issue.”

Unlike for example Toyota and Hyundai Daimler offers Hydrogen powered vehicles so far almost only as one-off production. In contrast, the cars of the E-mark EQ are expected to be launched in large quantities on the market in the coming years. For this, Daimler is currently building battery factories worldwide – on Friday, the foundation will be laid for battery production in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim.

Nevertheless, works council leader Häberle urges the expansion of electromobility to a steady hand: “What happens in a Hauruck action, is the same as in Fukushima with the energy industry, “he says.” Without Fukushima, Germany would not have left nuclear power so quickly. And without VW and the diesel scandal that would be auto industry not driven at such a speed, the electromobility which in economic circumstances may not be healthy and in addition neglects the holistic view of the life cycle assessment. “

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