Digitization: BMW and Microsoft are working on an intelligent factory

Gemeinsame Plattform: BMW und Microsoft wollen Produktion und Logistik zusammenbringen


Joint platform: BMW and Microsoft want to bring together production and logistics

Together with Microsoft, BMW wants to promote the digitization of manufacturing processes. The Munich-based carmaker and the world’s largest software provider announced on Tuesday at the Hannover Messe that they wanted to build an open online platform (OMP) to network production and logistics processes.

In doing so, BMW wants Show stock market chart and Microsoft Show stock market chart The aim of the initiative is to work together with four to six partners on up to 15 concrete applications by the end of the year. These should then be made available to other companies. Ultimately, both large corporations want to make a contribution to the development of intelligent factories, which take advantage of the large number of data generated by the machines and further develop processes through artificial intelligence.

“Microsoft and the BMW Group are joining forces to improve the efficiency of digital production across the industry,” said Scott Guthrie, EVP, Microsoft Cloud and AI Group. BMW and Microsoft are already working together. The basis for the currently operated by the Munich-based carmaker online platform is the Microsoft offer “Azure”, on which in the future more than 3000 machines, robots and autonomous transport systems are to be connected.

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The networking of production is currently the focus in the automotive industry. Only last week gave Volkswagen Show stock market chart his collaboration with the US technology giant Amazon Show stock market chart known to better process data from machines and cut costs.

RTR / dpa / akn

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