Comparing GenZe Electric Bicycle & BMW i3 — Seriously


Published on May 5th, 2019 |
by Cynthia Shahan

Comparing GenZe Electric Bicycle & BMW i3 — Seriously

May 5th, 2019 by Cynthia Shahan

Of the three e-bicycles I have been traveling on, the GenZe offers the most in terms of exercise. Even on the full electric assist, I find myself pumping and circulating my blood more than with the others. I love all of them for their electric assist, but one of the reasons I prefer to bicycle is for exercise. I was getting too complacent and lacking that exercise, so I felt that along with preventing emissions, I could save my body and brain from more rapid degeneration.

I was once accustomed to doing 9 hours a day of farming, harvesting 500 pounds of cucumbers at the end of an 8 hour day. I have transitioned to becoming lazier due to the Florida sun, which is just too much for humans, especially older humans if out for too many hours of the day. Becoming a bit too physically complacent, it seemed that giving up a car and bicycling seemed wise to get me out and moving.

The GenZe 2.0 is as wonderful on pure electric cruise as are both the Blix Aveny and Jetson Journey I’ve been enjoying. One thing I like about the flexible e-bike is that I can turn on the electricity when I want, saving it for the harder portions of a journey. As I completed a 15-mile e-bike journey the other day, I found myself thinking of turning it fully on. I had been saving the cruise till I got close to home to be sure I could coast at the end, when the sun was more direct and I was more dehydrated.

Check out more of the GenZe technology in Nicolas Zart’s “The New GenZe e-201 E-Bike — Connectivity Is The Name of The Game (Part 2)” (or via the company’s website link above).

What I found is that I could have cruised on full assist earlier on in the trip without fearing a depleted battery. Because, even using the highest assist possible at the end of my journey, I arrived home with a nearly full battery. From my experience, I would have seen a more depleted battery on the same trip with the Jetson Journey e-bicycle or Blix Aveny e-bicycle. They seem to spring in much more energy with pedal assist on, but that also means the battery goes down more rapidly.

The sun of spring in Florida took hold, and my son asked me to drive his BMW i3 a bit to keep it charged while he’s traveling. Once inside the BMW i3 a few times, I have to admit, I grew complacent about my bicycling all too quickly. Initially, years back when I compared the BMW i3 to the Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf, I preferred the BMW i3 in most ways, but found the back seat of the Nissan Leaf more spacious.

Well, I can honestly say, driving the BMW i3, it would be impossible for me to choose the Nissan Leaf over the BMW i3 now. (I did have a Leaf for 3 years.) The front view out the BMW i3 is the most amazing view of any car I have driven. Instead of feeling like one has to sit up more to see the road in front, that wonderful view out the front windshield slides down perfectly, as opposed to most views that have that plastic dash obtusely in front of the driver. I do honestly wonder, do I even prefer it to the minimalistic Tesla Model 3? I like the Model 3, of course, but I’ve only driven one a little bit. Maybe I need to compare again.

I wonder, though, what I love about the i3. Is it also that the BMW i3 uses recycled materials that make for a more natural textural experience inside the EV — like no other EV or car I’ve experienced? It’s nice to be gone with that awful feeling of, ‘yes, I am not spewing emissions, but I am still participating in that excessive plastic production.’ Yuck.

The smooth, quiet ride — available with all fully electric vehicles — casts a bubble of softness onto the concrete roads. The dash is not only recycled but simply cooler than the Nissan Leaf’s. In fact, the coolness of this car remains, in my opinion, unsurpassed. It is futuristic, as are many EVs, but with a touch of moonlight from the full moon evening. As one turns on or off the i3 with a push on the key fob, the lights come on for one first or last look inside. It is an immensely beautiful moment of a moonlight kind of blue.

The i3 is so lightweight that one feels lifted off the ground, but centered and agile, much more so than with the Nissan Leaf. And, again, there is just something about the dash of this EV that adds a feeling of weightlessness and control at the same moment.

I started wondering, as did my daughter, if this EV would be useful in the mountains. After all, it has 40 miles of gas backup with the range extender. We’re still not sure, though. If there are any BMW i3 REx drivers in the mountains, please let us know how the EV works for you?

As Mira suggests, though, once we get some of those wild mustangs to roam around outside the house (rather than be killed off for cattle ranching land), what we definitely will need is a Tesla Truck, for farm life and all. We’ll make sure we have an e-bicycle or three, as well.

Skipping dreams of horses and a Tesla truck for now, I have a special place in my heart and mind for safe car-free living in the city when possible. With that in mind, remember that May is National Bike Month.

“National Bike Month includes an ever-expanding diversity of events in communities nationwide — but the biggest day of the month is Bike to Work Day,” the League of American Bicyclists reminds us. “In 2019, Bike to Work Week will be May 13–19, with Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 17.”

GenZe, reminding me to get back to the lively habit of bicycling for transportation, also sent an email reminding us about Bike Month (and some special sales):

“e-Bikes are a big part of this celebration. In fact, if the goal of National Bike Month is celebrating those who commute exclusively on two-wheels, e-Bikes do an even better job of replacing your car than a conventional bicycle!

“GenZe is celebrating National Bike Month (and “Bike to Work Week” May 13-19) this year with a major sale on “Nearly New” e-Bikes. Similar to the Black Friday deal we shared in November, GenZe is clearing out e101 and e102 (100-Series) e-Bikes that were used for store demos or event displays – even some with zero miles, at unbelievable prices starting at $699.”

About the Author

Cynthia Shahan Cynthia Shahan started writing by doing research as a social cultural and sometimes medical anthropology thinker. She studied and practiced both Waldorf education, and Montessori education. Eventually becoming an organic farmer, licensed AP, anthropologist, and mother of four unconditionally loving spirits, teachers, and environmentally conscious beings born with spiritual insights and ethics beyond this world. (She was able to advance more in this way led by her children.)

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