Authority suspects illegal defeat device in the Mercedes Vito

The Federal Motor Transport Authority examines a hearing of representatives of the car company Daimler. In a Mercedes pickup truck could work an illegal Abschalteinrichtung.

Mercedes Benz Vito auf einer Messe (2015)

imago / Sebastian Geisler

Mercedes Benz Vito at a fair (2015)

Wednesday, 14.02.2018
6:00 pm

The Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) is alerted by the diesel emission values ​​of the Vito transporter. The authority is examining to appoint representatives of the automaker Daimler for a hearing, confirmed a KBA spokesman for a report of the “Business Week”.

Reason is the suspicion of an illegal defeat device in the model. The KBA suspects the automaker to inject too little of the urea solution AdBlue on the Vito. AdBlue reduces the content of harmful nitrogen oxides during exhaust gas purification. The deliberate reduction of AdBlue consumption in real road operation was one of the manipulation methods that led to Volkswagen diesel scandal.

A Daimler spokesman said: “We are in technical discussions with the KBA to a number of about 1,000 vehicles Vito Euro 6 from old production. “

Daimler is under pressure in the exhaust gas scandal

Daimler is in the Diesel exhaust scandal been under pressure for some time; The Stuttgart prosecutor investigates since spring 2017 because of possible exhaust gas fraud as well as the US Department of Justice.

Just last year, the group called throughout Europe more than three million vehicles backto reduce pollutant emissions through a software update. Like other manufacturers, Daimler had agreed with the KBA to voluntarily order certain vehicles into the workshops to reduce the emission of harmful nitrogen oxides – including the Vito.

Daimler CEO Dieter Zetsche had always rejected exhaust gas trains as at Volkswagen.

In light of growing legal risks, the Group had increased its provisions by 2.1 million last year to almost 14 billion euros,as emerged from the annual report published on Tuesday.