Electric vehicles: VW grants eight years or 160,000 km on the battery

Volkswagen is the battery in all Electric car series ID grant a warranty of eight years or 160,000 km for at least 70 percent of its capacity.

June 18, 2019, 8:45 am,

Das erste Mitglied der ID.-Familie heißt ID.3.

The first member of the ID family is ID.3.
(Image: Volkswagen)

The Volkswagen ID3 is to be equipped with extensive warranty services. The company wants to make a guarantee that the batteries even after eight years and 160,000 km still have at least 70 percent of their usable capacity.

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With Tesla’s Model 3 with standard range, there are also 70 percent for eight years or 160,000 km, in the long-haul model, however, Tesla gives eight years or 192,000 km. In both cases this does not mean that the batteries will actually have only a residual capacity just over 70 percent – with Tesla, the degradation is probably less than 10 percent at 260,000 km, as Tesla owners, their data in a public Google Doc document collect, want to show.

Volkswagens Elektroauto ID.3 (Bild: Volkswagen)

Volkswagen’s electric car ID.3 (Image: Volkswagen)

It is still not clear what happens in the warranty case. Does the user get a new battery for free or just the time value of the battery as a voucher for a new battery?

Volkswagen offers batteries for the ID.3 with maximum ranges of 330 to 550 km (WLTP). The charging power is up to 125 kW. For comparison: In the Opel Corsa-e the fast charging by DC with a power of up to 100 kW should be possible.

Volkswagen expects that half of all charging will be at home and 20 percent at work. With an 11 kW Wallback, the battery can be recharged at 100% overnight or during work. According to the company, another 25 percent of the charges will be made in public areas and five percent along expressways.

readers call

Time and again, scientists and manufacturers promise pioneering innovations in batteries, fuel cells and other energy storage devices. Batteries are supposed to charge faster, they have more capacity at the same weight, they are not flammable. Some of it is humbug, other innovations work in the lab, but take years to get ready for production.

From the reactions we see again and again that this topic moves our readers. We are therefore planning an article that will answer as many open questions as possible. Write us your questions and requests to redaktion@golem.de.

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