With self-responsibility and flexibility


Wolfgang Rainer demonstrates during the “Tour de Terrain” which key figures he is watching.

“This system is also derived from the systems developed by Toyota around 1950,” says Benjamin Hermé / PES coordinator in the lead. “There are Pull Systems, KANBAN, Just-in-Time …” So everything had been done before? Only among others, French name?

Benjamin Hermé goes on to explain, and it becomes clear: PES – the abbreviation for PSA Excellence System – does not change much from the outside compared to its predecessor system: “The visual management at Shopfloor looks different because it involves a multitude of numbers to understand at a glance; with colored curves. The remaining forms – machine descriptions, job safety descriptions, etc. – remain largely the same. “

Wolfgang Rainer notes his observations on the “Tour de Terrain” checklist.

Workshop on May 13, 2019: Self-responsibility should be given top priority in meetings (“Réunions de Performance Opérationnelle”).

Tours de Terrain & Réunionsde Performance Opérationnelle

Changes are especially tangible in the way of thinking behind the Art Meetings. “We started with the changes to the Management Control for the PES,” says Kurt Henecker / Head of PES. And describes the new meeting procedures that have replaced the previous morning rounds and the yellow circle: From 6.15 clock to do the team spokespersons a field tour (titled “Tour de Terrain”), then Meetings (now called “Réunion de Performance Opérationnelle / RPO” ) in various composition: Masters and Team Speakers, Masters and Coordinators, Coordinators and Production Managers. Each with a “Tour de Terrain” before each meeting. Until 10 o clock. Then there is the “Réunion de Performance Opérationnelle” of the production manager with the director-general.


All discussions are not about reporting numbers and events, but rather decisions are made so that the downstream levels can act. The contents of the meetings are defined together (team spokesman with master, etc.) and adapted to the respective requirements. Contents of the “Tour de Terrain” are defined by those affected themselves.

From September 2018 to May 2019, all team spokespersons and masters met in four one-day workshops to work together on the new processes and responsibilities.

In the workshop, masters and team spokespersons discuss how to design the new meeting processes.

“Réunion de Performance Opérationnelle” (from left to right: Rene Schneider, Thomas Javurek, Kurt Henecker, Günter Kunst, Wolfgang Rainer, Roland Ladich).

Flexibility & agility

In the spirit of modern business methods, flexibility now reacts – part of the previous Business Plan Deployment process has been replaced by weekly “Réunions de Performance Opérationnelle” with proactive target agreements – and agile adaptation to changing circumstances in the foreground.

For problems that are not solved in the “Réunion de Performance Opérationnelle”, then daily problem solving meetings under the title “Animation X Journalière / AXJ” can take place. The agreement applies that “specialists” such as quality engineers, tool planners, employees of Manufacturing Engineering u.s.f.f. daily from 11 o’clock for half an hour to keep ready to support the production in problem solving.

“Our next projects are to enable bottleneck machines to have faster response times. Self-evaluation puts even more emphasis on self-responsibility, “adds Kurt Henecker. And summarizes: “Management Control is the focus of the PES implementation and enables us to control all our internal processes at the Aspern plant. This helps us to minimize the daily production fluctuations. “

The PES leader continues: “This requires a change of mentality. The self-responsibility is in the foreground. The goal is to promote the autonomy of the teams. 2019 is the year in which we get to know PES and learn to understand the system. We will use what we have learned to support the achievement of goals for 2020. “

In front of the Management Control Board of the six-speed wheeled section (from left to right): Rene Schneider, Thomas Javurek, Roland Ladich, Günter Kunst, Wolfgang Rainer, Kurt Henecker, Benjamin Hermé.

Text: Kristin Engelhardt, Photos: Helga Mayer

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