Electric Pickup Trucks Will Soon Be A Solid Reality

At least this is what the MyEV.com editor believes.

You already know that Canadian farmers in Alberta find it very funny that someone wants to sell electric pickups. Not our readers, for sure. Mainstream automakers don’t think that way either, what led Jim Gorzelany, MyEV.com’s editor, to write a very interesting article for Forbes on why he believes they will be a very solid option in a very short time.

Truck buyers are considered to be some of the most loyal in the car market. They would probably stick with combustion-engined vehicles even if gas prices reached US$ 10 a gallon. Anyway, they are not the main target for these new electric pickup trucks.

According to Gorzelany, they will initially appeal much more to “affluent suburbanites who own pickup trucks for lifestyle purposes”. They will probably employ these vehicles in transporting sports equipment, (possibly EV) dirt bikes or to tow boats and trailers around.

The author does not mention that, but these suburbanites are the guys that made Tesla popular in the first place. 

They have bought the idea of a premium EV sedan back in the Model S’ first days and it was enough for many to decide to have one, to Mercedes-Benz and BMW’s despair.

Rivian R1T Truck

Gorzelany goes on to make a brief recap on the five main products we can expect for the next years which alone make it worth paying a visit to Forbes in order to read the original article. 

The author also reminds us that these electric pickup trucks will not be restricted to suburban trend-setters, but that they may also appeal to fleets. Their lower operational costs would probably make them be a solid business case for fleet companies.

This is just a summary of what Gorzelany has to offer in a much more elegant way. When it relates to electric pickup trucks, he would let The Fugees represent them with this song:

If you do not believe us, read his text and share your thoughts with us on why he is right. Or wrong. Something we will be able to verify in short.

Source: Forbes

Gallery: Coming Electric Pickup Trucks

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