May 27, 2019 In the media LeddarTech Featured on the APMA’s latest episode of “The…

LeddarTech Featured on the APMA’s latest episode of “The Intelligent Podcast”

Claude Doré, our Chief Financial Officer and Daniel Aitken, our Vice-President of Global Marketing sat down with Warren Ali, Vice-President of Innovation at the Automotive Parts Manufacturer’s Association to talk about CES 2019, LeddarTech’s growth, the future of Autonomous Technology for Automotive Applications, and getting into the best industry parties. All this during the latest recording of The APMA’s Intelligent Podcast.

Click here to listen to the episode of the podcast:

More about LeddarTech and the APMA:

APMA’s connectTEC Conference – Windsor, Canada

Pierre Olivier, Chief Technology Officer at LeddarTech, will join a panel discussion on Intelligent Mobility at the connectTEC Conference – The Network on June 11th, 2019. The APMA event aspires to bring together Canada’s Leaders in Auto, ICT, Industry, and Infrastructure to discuss the challenges and identify the opportunities that lie ahead for Canadian manufacturers. Mr. Olivier’s focus will be on communicating the impact of LiDAR Technology for automotive and mobility AD applications.

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